1.) LOVE. In all forms. In our own lives & families as well as the love of our amazing couples that allow us to share in their bliss.
2.) FAMILY. From our adorable nephews and nieces (we pass pictures around the office frequently :)) to our Tapestry House "family" that we watch grow all year long. (Sometimes in the summer we spend TOO much time together :) Just like blood family...
3.) FRIENDS. Old ones from kindergarten who never left our side, and new ones forged this year through wedding planning. Some of the sweetest people in our lives were our brides this year!
4.) WARM WEATHER. No snow this year until November 10th! How awesome is that?
5.) SNOW. Without a little cold we can't truly be so excited for Spring/Summer. Besides there is something magical about the snow all lit up with twinkling lights... It brings out the kid in all of us. (SLEDDING this year anyone??!!!!)
A BIG HEART-FELT thank you to everyone in our lives! We wouldn't be who we are, or where we are without you! We hope you have a warm and safe Thanksgiving Holiday!
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