At this wedding, the guests delayed the announcement of the bride and groom into the reception for.... THE FOOTBALL GAME! One guest had asked the DJ to plug his iPhone into the system and broadcast the game over the reception pavilion's speakers! So they did. The play action was good, so instead of shutting off the game to announce in the bride and groom, we waited for a timeout!
The couple was announced in, completed their first dance and then the buffet was opened. As the bride and groom were eating, the bride said "I'm OK if you want to put the game back on please, we all want to know the score". And so they listened to the game throughout dinner.
EVERYONE in attendance was a huge Aggie fan. Tapestry House staff in the back kitchen were startled when after a particularly good play, the guests started screaming and yelling! Unfortunately Aggies lost the game to Kansas State.

The best man even started his toast with, "Tonight we celebrate my brother and Katie, let that be what we take away from tonight, not the Aggie's loss". It was such a great night and everyone left happy ~ even in the face of defeat!
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